7,405 research outputs found

    Microscope Embedded Neurosurgical Training and Intraoperative System

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    In the recent years, neurosurgery has been strongly influenced by new technologies. Computer Aided Surgery (CAS) offers several benefits for patients\u27 safety but fine techniques targeted to obtain minimally invasive and traumatic treatments are required, since intra-operative false movements can be devastating, resulting in patients deaths. The precision of the surgical gesture is related both to accuracy of the available technological instruments and surgeon\u27s experience. In this frame, medical training is particularly important. From a technological point of view, the use of Virtual Reality (VR) for surgeon training and Augmented Reality (AR) for intra-operative treatments offer the best results. In addition, traditional techniques for training in surgery include the use of animals, phantoms and cadavers. The main limitation of these approaches is that live tissue has different properties from dead tissue and that animal anatomy is significantly different from the human. From the medical point of view, Low-Grade Gliomas (LGGs) are intrinsic brain tumours that typically occur in younger adults. The objective of related treatment is to remove as much of the tumour as possible while minimizing damage to the healthy brain. Pathological tissue may closely resemble normal brain parenchyma when looked at through the neurosurgical microscope. The tactile appreciation of the different consistency of the tumour compared to normal brain requires considerable experience on the part of the neurosurgeon and it is a vital point. The first part of this PhD thesis presents a system for realistic simulation (visual and haptic) of the spatula palpation of the LGG. This is the first prototype of a training system using VR, haptics and a real microscope for neurosurgery. This architecture can be also adapted for intra-operative purposes. In this instance, a surgeon needs the basic setup for the Image Guided Therapy (IGT) interventions: microscope, monitors and navigated surgical instruments. The same virtual environment can be AR rendered onto the microscope optics. The objective is to enhance the surgeon\u27s ability for a better intra-operative orientation by giving him a three-dimensional view and other information necessary for a safe navigation inside the patient. The last considerations have served as motivation for the second part of this work which has been devoted to improving a prototype of an AR stereoscopic microscope for neurosurgical interventions, developed in our institute in a previous work. A completely new software has been developed in order to reuse the microscope hardware, enhancing both rendering performances and usability. Since both AR and VR share the same platform, the system can be referred to as Mixed Reality System for neurosurgery. All the components are open source or at least based on a GPL license

    Factores condicionantes en la simplificación de los templos católicos después del Vaticano II en Brasil: Análisis de la iglesia parroquial de Santa María de Campos

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    Under the influence of the liturgical reform promoted in the 20th century, Catholic temples assumed very simple characteristics, especially after the determinations of the Second Vatican Council. This simplification can be observed both in the construction of new temples and in the adaptation of others built before the period in question, causing the loss of its identity. In order to understand the simplification of these sacred spaces, we chose the case study: the renovation of Santa Maria de Campos dos Goytacazes Parish Church, located in the North of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In the architectural intervention of this sacred space, conditioning factors were identified as: impositions of the local community; priests who are unaware of ecclesiastical determinations for liturgical space; and the scarcity of architects familiar with liturgical practices and conciliar guidelines. It is necessary to consider new proposals for the use of space, particularly in the rehabilitation of sacred spaces after the Second Vatican Council.Bajo la influencia de la reforma litúrgica promovida en el siglo XX, los templos católicos asumieron características muy simples, especialmente después de las determinaciones del Concilio Vaticano II. Esta simplificación se puede observar tanto en la construcción de nuevos templos como en la adaptación de otros construidos antes del período en cuestión, causando la pérdida de su identidad. Para comprender la simplificación de estos espacios sagrados, elegimos un estudio de caso: la renovación de la iglesia parroquial de Santa María de Campos dos Goytacazes, ubicada en el norte del estado de Río de Janeiro, Brasil. En la intervención arquitectónica de este espacio sagrado, se identificaron como factores condicionantes imposiciones de la comunidad local; sacerdotes que desconocen las determinaciones eclesiásticas para el espacio litúrgico; y la escasez de arquitectos familiarizados con las prácticas litúrgicas y las directrices conciliares. Es necesario considerar las nuevas propuestas para el uso del espacio, particularmente en la rehabilitación de espacios sagrados después del Concilio Vaticano II

    A new time-dependent density-functional method for molecular plasmonics: Formalism, implementation, and the Au144(SH)60 case study

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    We describe the implementation and application of a recently developed time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT) algorithm based on the complex dynamical polarizability to calculate the photoabsorption spectrum of large metal clusters, with specific attention to the field of molecular plasmonics. The linear response TDDFT equations are solved in the space of the density fitting functions, so the problem is recast as an inhomogeneous system of linear equations whose resolution needs a numerical effort comparable to that of a SCF procedure. The construction of the matrix representation of the dielectric susceptibility is very efficient and is based on the discretization of the excitation energy, so such matrix is easily obtained at each photon energy value as a linear combination of constant matrix and energy-dependent coefficients. The code is interfaced to the Amsterdam Density Functional (ADF) program and is fully parallelized with standard message passing interface. Finally, an illustrative application of the method to the photoabsorption of the Au144(SH)60 cluster is presented

    Pedicularis L. Genus. Systematics, botany, phytochemistry, chemotaxonomy, ethnopharmacology, and other

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    In this review, the relevance of the plant species belonging to the Pedicularis L. genus has been considered from different points of view. Particular emphasis was given to phytochemistry and ethnopharmacology, since several classes of natural compounds have been reported within this genus and many of its species are well known to be employed in the traditional medicines of many Asian countries. Some important conclusions on the chemotaxonomic and chemosystematic aspects of the genus have also been provided for the first time. Actually, this work represents the first total comprehensive review on this genus

    Out-of-equilibrium thermodynamics of quantum optomechanical systems

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    Weaddress the out-of-equilibrium thermodynamics of an isolated quantum system consisting of a cavity optomechanical device. Weexplore the dynamical response of the system when driven out of equilibrium by a sudden quench of the coupling parameter and compute analytically the full distribution of the work generated by the process.Weconsider linear and quadratic optomechanical coupling, where the cavity field is parametrically coupled to either the position or the square of the position of a mechanical oscillator, respectively. In the former case we find that the average work generated by the quench is zero, whilst the latter leads to a non-zero average value. Through fluctuations theorems we access the most relevant thermodynamical figures of merit, such as the free energy difference and the amount of irreversible work generated.Wethus provide a full characterization of the out-of-equilibrium thermodynamics in the quantum regime for nonlinearly coupled bosonic modes. Our study is the first due step towards the construction and full quantum analysis of an optomechanical machine working fully out of equilibrium.We are grateful to M Aspelmeyer for discussions and encouragements. This work was supported by the UK EPSRC (EP/L005026/1 and EP/J009776/1), the John Templeton Foundation (grant ID 43467), the EU Collaborative Project TherMiQ (Grant Agreement 618074), and the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851. Part of this work was supported by COST Action MP1209 ‘Thermodynamics in the quantum regime’.peer-reviewe

    Virtually Abelian Quantum Walks

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    We introduce quantum walks on Cayley graphs of non-Abelian groups. We focus on the easiest case of virtually Abelian groups, and introduce a technique to reduce the quantum walk to an equivalent one on an Abelian group with coin system having larger dimension. We apply the technique in the case of two quantum walks on virtually Abelian groups with planar Cayley graphs, finding the exact solution.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Superdense galaxies and the mass-size relation at low redshift

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    We search for massive and compact galaxies (superdense galaxies, hereafter SDGs) at z=0.03-0.11 in the Padova-Millennium Galaxy and Group Catalogue, a spectroscopically complete sample representative of the local Universe general field population. We find that compact galaxies with radii and mass densities comparable to high-z massive and passive galaxies represent 4.4% of all galaxies with stellar masses above 3 X 10^10 M_sun, yielding a number density of 4.3 X 10^-4 h^3 Mpc^-3. Most of them are S0s (70%) or ellipticals (23%), are red and have intermediate-to-old stellar populations, with a median luminosity-weighted age of 5.4 Gyr and a median mass-weighted age of 9.2 Gyr. Their velocity dispersions and dynamical masses are consistent with the small radii and high stellar mass estimates. Comparing with the WINGS sample of cluster galaxies at similar redshifts, the fraction of superdense galaxies is three times smaller in the field than in clusters, and cluster SDGs are on average 4 Gyr older than field SDGs. We confirm the existence of a universal trend of smaller radii for older luminosity-weighted ages at fixed galaxy mass. On top of the well known dependence of stellar age on galaxy mass, the luminosity-weighted age of galaxies depends on galaxy compactness at fixed mass, and, for a fixed mass and radius, on environment. This effect needs to be taken into account in order not to overestimate the evolution of galaxy sizes from high- to low-z. Our results and hierarchical simulations suggest that a significant fraction of the massive compact galaxies at high-z have evolved into compact galaxies in galaxy clusters today. When stellar age and environmental effects are taken into account, the average amount of size evolution of individual galaxies between high- and low-z is mild, a factor ~1.6. (abridged)Comment: ApJ, in pres

    The evolution of galaxy sizes

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    We present a study of galaxy sizes in the local Universe as a function of galaxy environment, comparing clusters and the general field. Galaxies with radii and masses comparable to high-z massive and compact galaxies represent 4.4% of all galaxies more massive than 3 X 10^{10} M_sun in the field. Such galaxies are 3 times more frequent in clusters than in the field. Most of them are early-type galaxies with intermediate to old stellar populations. There is a trend of smaller radii for older luminosity-weighted ages at fixed galaxy mass. We show the relation between size and luminosity-weighted age for galaxies of different stellar masses and in different environments. We compare with high-z data to quantify the evolution of galaxy sizes. We find that, once the progenitor bias due to the relation between galaxy size and stellar age is removed, the average amount of size evolution of individual galaxies between high- and low-z is mild, of the order of a factor 1.6.Comment: to appear in the proceedings of the IAU S295: The intriguing life of massive galaxies, editors D. Thomas, A. Pasquali & I. Ferrera